i don´t understand anything.
it maybe because i have not sleep tonight.
i have just been thinking and i have sooo much pain so thats maybe bwcayse of that to.
i dont know....
but im sooo lost right now....
i don´t understand if he is mad at me or not???
he just said one thing but now antoher thing!
so im so lost...
i really hope it will be okey whit me and him again .
but i really don´t know
it is up to him now
Postat av: ali
u didn't lose!...
contrary to win!!...
i.l.u.s.m. :)))<3<3<3
Postat av: sofya
Haha good ^^
I.l.u.s.m.t. :) <3<3
Postat av: sarah
vf ljuger du sofia? ni sitter och skriver att ni älskar varandra och till mig säger du helt tvärtom..
Postat av: sofya
för vi var nt kompisar när jag sa det till dej
men om du nt kommer ihåg det så sa jag till dej i bilen på väg mot stranden att vi var sams igen ! :P